Many times as a feng shui consultant when assessing a client’s desires the client doesn’t always know how to express themselves. Ditto when they are less inclined to say what bothers them at all and the practitioner may be stumped as to where to start. Dr. Katherine Morris can help a practitioner uncover the real issue at hand by applying a specific tool developed by her to make it easier for a client to identify where the root of the problem lies.
Dr. Morris chose Feng Shui and Psychiatrists’ Offices for her Ph.D thesis. Lucky for us she did. A graduate of the Feng Shui Institute of America and practicing Feng Shui Psychologist, Katherine has developed some powerful assessment tools for practitioners to use in the field
Assisting her professional clients to make astute changes to their spaces, even slight changes, created an opening for something new to come in to their consciousness and something else fall out of it. The assessment tool developed by Dr. Morris is the end result of her research.
In this workshop, you will learn how to apply a new feng shui assessment tool that will enable you to accurately assess the underlying issues your client isn’t revealing and effectively understand and help your client follow your recommendations. This is where the real success happens. Learn to listen like a psychologist to a space. Discover how to look at what is said not just hear what is said, like a psychologist-feng shui practitioner would.
Assessment tools to be introduced in this session include using drawings from the client as well as identifying and recommending colors that elicit deeper positive responses based on a practitioner’s assessment of the client.
Another “not-to-be-missed” session. Registration spots still open.
Architect of Mind Body Spirit Conference Registration-Feng Shui Institute of America.
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